Learning at Different Ages
Babies Toddlers Preschool and Kindergarten
There are significant learning milestones for children between birth and five years – many of them not obvious to the untrained eye. Our qualified Teachers and teams are trained to identify and encourage those natural instincts in your child at each stage of their learning journey – from birth to school and beyond.
A child’s brain develops faster in the first five years than at any other time in their life. Yet children do not learn how to read or write overnight. Nor do they simply begin the year before formal schooling commences.
The foundations for literacy and numeracy are there from the moment a child is born. That’s why it’s imperative to provide babies and children with the right support and stimulus from the get-go.
We work in close partnership with families and the local community in order to support children on their individual learning journeys. Because children – no matter their age – learn best when they feel secure and happy. When they are in a stimulating environment, with a supportive network.
Our Teachers and Educators take pride in developing fun-filled learning programs that are based on each child’s unique interests, with visible and clear learning outcomes.
“Childhood isn’t meant to replicate adult life – sitting at little cubicles and desks day after day. Moving, exploring, running and activity is what children need to thrive. That is where they learn how the world works and their place in it.”
Karen DeBeus
Learning Literacy and Numeracy
Our Teachers and Educators are skilled at fostering your child’s early interest in and aptitude for learning. However, it’s important for parents and families to remember that children do not necessarily need to be able to read, write or count before they start formal schooling.
In fact, research shows that the biggest determinants of academic success at school relate to social and emotional development in children. Which again comes back to creating a safe, engaging and happy environment for them to learn.
The key indicators for a successful transition to school and beyond are based on social and emotional readiness. We support this in several ways through every age group:
- Enabling separation from parents and carers
- Developing confidence and pride in who they are
- Learning to take responsibility for themselves and others
- Communicating and forming relationships
- Becoming adaptable to cope with change
- Practicing resilience by persisting in the face of challenges
- Initiating, being involved and willing to try new things
- Problem solving and encouraging curiosity.
But that doesn’t mean the academic takes a back seat. When it comes to literacy, for example, early learning opportunities might include:
- Reading aloud
- Having conversations
- Exposing children to a wide range of printed materials
- Singing songs and nursery rhymes
- Visits to the local library.
As for numeracy, it’s about more than just counting. Numeracy development happens every day in every room at Guardian and may look like this:
- Using open-ended resources to count and group objects
- Counting fingers and toes at nappy change time
- Making real world connections – e.g. there are for chairs at the table
- Projects and daily experiences
- Cooking and experiments that require measuring and quantities.
“When students feel safe and supported, they are truly ready and able to learn.”
Laura Weaver.
What Learning Looks Like
at Different Ages
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