Fee Help for Kinder in VIC

The Victorian Government offers funding to provide families up to 15 hours of free Kindergarten a week and is in addition to the Childcare Subsidy. The funding offsets the fees for three and four-year-old children that are part of the Centre’s long day care Kindergarten program.

Families will save up to $2,101 a year for eligible children aged three-years-old and above in eligible long day cares in 2025.

All three and four-year-old children that are part of the Centre’s approved Kindergarten program are eligible for this subsidy.

If eligible, the funding is allocated as a credit to reduce families out of pocket fees (after CCS has been applied).

The subsidy is a dollar amount and is applied across 46 weeks of the year which will reduce the gap fee by:

  • up to $45.00 each week for children who are enrolled in the three and four-year-old program.

Only one service can receive the funding, so families must nominate the service they want to receive it by completing and signing a declaration form. This confirms that our service is their funded Kindergarten program. This form is then submitted to the Department of Education on their behalf, which will allow us to receive the subsidy for their fees.

For more information please visit: Free Kinder

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