Artist Creates Bogong Moth Canvas for Bruce

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Our centre in Bruce recently had a local Indigenous Artist by the name of Duncan Smith create a canvas that represents the local Ngunnawal people of the Canberra region. The painting is about the different tribes that would travel to Ngunnawal Country for the Bogong Moth feast.


The Bogong Moth migrates each year from north-west NSW and Queensland to Canberra and the Southern Highlands in NSW where they hibernate in cool and dark crevices. The moths have a habit to rest on the one in front. This means the moths could be collected simply by holding a container beneath them a running a stick along the line of moths causing them all to fall into the container. When the moths were located in some difficult to reach places, smoke was used to get them out. Indigenous ancestors roasted the moths on hot rocks and eaten as a major seasonal food food source that was high in both fat and protein.

The tribes that are represented in this painting are:

  • Ngunnawal – centre circle
  • Narrga – blue circle
  • Yuin – red circle
  • Guningarra – pink circle
  • Wiradjuri – brown circle

The foot prints represent the different tribes entering and leaving the Canberra region.

Bruce is very proud of its ties to the local Indigenous people and have plans to create a Bush Tucker Garden with the assistance of their local elders, Indigenous people/families and their council.

For more information about Guardian Early Learning – Bruce, phone 02 6221 9180.

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