Whatever question you have about parenting your child under the age of five, there’s an online resource to assist. From questions about developmental milestones, to why ‘does my child bite?’ – there’s a relevant resource here. We’ve also collected some of the best educational websites and those with resources to help you entertain your children.
And with a dedicated section to school readiness for every state of Australia, plus the best educational websites for children, we’ve left no stone unturned to help you find the best online sources to support your parenting journey.
Educational websites for parents of young children
Whatever question you have about parenting your child under the age of five, there’s a resource here to help – from questions about developmental milestones, to why ‘does my child bite?’
Raising Children Network
They call themselves the ‘Australian Parenting Website’ – and for good reason. This place is an endless sea of brilliant resources for parents. From pregnancy through to school, teens and beyond – this website can help you answer any question you might have when it comes to helping and guiding your children. The site provides free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help your family grow and thrive together. It is funded by the Australian Government, reviewed by experts and is entirely non-commercial, so you know you can trust the information you find
Early Childhood Australia
‘A voice for young children’, this website is dedicated to ensuring every child is thriving and learning. While the site is mainly aimed at childcare professionals, it does offer a great Parent Resources section that has information on topics such as school readiness and dealing with separation anxiety in your child.
Families Australia
A national, not-for-profit organisation that strives to improve the wellbeing of all Australian families. The parent and carer library on this site has links to resources including podcasts, research papers and national guidelines on things like screen time and breastfeeding.
Parenting Research Centre
They help governments and community organisations in the fields of health, education and welfare put the best evidence on parenting support into action. They offer a range of programs to support the development of quality relationships to benefit children and their social, emotional and academic outcomes.
Parent information section of the Australian Curriculum website
It is parents, families and carers who have the most influence on their children. When families are actively involved in their child’s education, children usually enjoy school and achieve better results. There is a fantastic FAQs section on this site that answers questions for parents of school-aged children and what they can expect from the foundation years right through to high school.
Plus, there are so many free and interactive educational websites that are bursting with ideas of free activities to do with children, such as Artfulparent.com. This site is dedicated to encouraging your child’s creativity and inner artist. There are links to resources for painting, drawing, sculpture, stained glass, clay, collage, and more. Plus, their parents’ corner shows you how to create a simple yet effective art space in your home.
School Readiness Resources
Different states have different names for the year prior to when children commence formal schooling. In NSW and the ACT the year before primary school is called ‘Preschool’, but in other states it’s known as ‘Kindergarten’. Regardless of what you call it, we’ve collected some great resources to help you navigate the world of preschool.
Each state government has some great tools and resources on their websites, including tips for supporting your child, how to prepare the whole family for the transition, as well as where to find your locally approved Kindergarten and Preschool programs. Most of the various state government websites offer similar resources, including advice around:
- Talking to your child about starting school
- The importance of reading with your child
- Hoe to build independence and confidence
- Ideas to celebrate starting school
- Learning about your school community
- And how to protect your child’s wellbeing at this exciting time.
Resources for parents of children starting school – by state
- New South Wales Preschool Resources
- Victoria Kindergarten Resources
- Queensland Kindergarten Resources
- Canberra Preschool Resources
- Western Australia Kindergarten Resources
- Tasmania Kindergarten Resources
- South Australia Kindergarten Resources
- Northern Territory Kindergarten Resources
Online Resources for the Children
Online time is not just for grown-ups, and screen time doesn’t have to be “bad” – so long as its monitored and appropriate for your child’s age. (In fact, we recommend no screen time for children under the age of two in line with Australian health guidelines).
If your child is a little older, there are many great educational websites available – and a little bit of quality screen time can have a big impact on your child’s learning. Educational websites can contain great content that’s informative, challenging and engaging. You just need to know where to look.
So, we’ve collected the best, interactive, educational and free websites for children – all you need to do is click!
Links for Children
ABC Kids. With everything from age-appropriate games, to activities you can do (offline, at home), plus access to apps, early education resources and advice for parents – ABC Kids really is a one stop shop for everything you need for early childhood entertainment.
National Geographic Kids. With information and activities about animals, science, history and geography – the National Geographic Kids site really puts the ‘World’ in World Wide Web. There’s also a cool Kids Club to join with exclusive entertainment like quizzes, projects and competitions.
Wonderopolis. ‘Where the wonders of learning never cease’. Each day, they pose an intriguing question—the Wonder of the Day—and explore it in a variety of ways. The site is all about making learning an everyday activity – and finding wonder in everything. And while it’s a US site, there is a lot of cool content on here for children who are naturally curious and want to know more about the big wonderful world around them.
Funbrain. Games, reading activities, videos and a math zone. There’s a great section dedicated to pre-school aged children where they can learn about math and read books online.