Carrot and Sultana Slice

Carrot and Sultana Slice

Carrot and Sultana Slice

This Carrot and Sultana Slice recipe is delicious and nutritious. A delightful sweet and nourishing snack, this recipe is perfect for families and fussy eaters alike.

This recipe was provided by our wonderful Chef Sonu at Guardian Forde


  • 500 gms Carrots
  • 100 gms Sultanas
  • 1 kg Self Raising flour
  • 100 gms Nuttelex (Dairy & Lactose free), melted
  • 600ml Water
  • 100 gms Brown Sugar
  • 2 Tbsp Icing Sugar


  1. Wash and grate the carrots.
  2. Blend the sultanas with a little water.
  3. In a bowl add the grated carrots, blended sultanas, brown sugar, Nuttelex & water and mix until smooth while folding. Make sure if you require a little water more add it , accordingly to its consistency as it should neither to thick or not too runny.
  4. Grease a tray with baking paper and put the mixture in it.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 C and bake it for 20-25 mins, rotating after 12 min.
  6. Once the loaf is ready, let it cool down for 10-15 min.
  7. Slice into thin slices and dust with icing sugar.
Snacks and Desserts for Children (27) Supporting Fussy Eaters (25) Recipe Ideas for Children (125)

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